Introducing Lily, just one of Starkville's Stellar Kids ![]() A few evenings ago, while sitting on the screened porch off the Mississippi Modern Homestead's kitchen, during artist Joe A MacGown's "Surreal & Semi~Strange Visions" open house; a small group of folks were chatting about artistic sorts of activities, contests, displays, programs, events, and the like. I was listening to a couple describe a child's artwork that had recently won a poster contest for Saris, a company specializing in parking hubs for bikes. My brain went, "wait, what?" for several reasons. So I asked them to describe the poster again, while I processed a few things at once; all of which were delightfully positive tickles to my fancy. Like most any accomplishment, no one person or group can exist as an island and claim sole strides. In fact, I cannot even prioritize much, beyond the fact that Lily Adam deserves all the kudos that comes her way and she can be extremely proud of herself for landing a sweet Hub for her school. So let's give Lily a hand, and her VIVA instructor, Niki Mulrooney, for motivating her to create such a great piece. Oh! And Saris, and Mississippi Department of Transportation, and Starkville in Motion, and Lily's parents, Tammie and Michael {altho he is quick to give accolades to his wife}, and ... well, you get the point. All these came together to provide a perfectly supportive environment for Lily to create this poster and enter it into the contest, winning the 2014 National Poster Contest for Saris Parking. Congratulations, Lily!! And thank you, for being such a stellar kid. Your artistry is appreciated. |
March 2023