John W. BatemanExecutive Director It's economics.
Starkville has a thriving arts and culture community… theatre, symphony, film, art education programs and exhibits, the Cotton District Arts Festival, live music, pianos downtown, Sunday Funday… we could continue this list for quite some time. But... what if the arts went dark?
35,000 people in Oktibbeha County live above poverty. If only 1 in 35 gave just $10/year, that would provide $10,000 for art and art education programming that could fund:
Give up that nice cup of coffee just once (maybe twice) in November and donate to the arts. If you can't donate, then please volunteer. Without volunteers, events like Art in the Park and CDAF would immediately cease. Every act of generosity counts, and each means even more when we give together. If you want to help in other ways, visit this page to see where you can lend a hand. Help create a community where people want to live, stay, and build their lives. Donate to SAAC for #GivingTuesday. If not SAAC, then consider one of the several arts organizations in Starkville. It’ll come back to you, we promise. #starkvillearts #artsgivingday #givingtuesday #annualcampaign Press ReleaseSTARKVILLE, MS - The Starkville Area Arts Council and Oxford’s Yoknapatawpha Arts Council are eager to announce the second annual Scrambled Art Bowl! The arts bowl will run from November 15 until December 30, with a reception at 7:00 p.m. on November 15 at Nine-Twentynine Coffee Bar. Starkville and Oxford artists play off in this friendly festive arts bowl, inspired by the two universities’ long-standing football rivalry. Both arts councils selected pieces from applicants to represent their team. Viewers can support their favorite teams by purchasing art pieces, making donations, or posting a picture of the best piece with the hashtag #scrambledartbowl. The artist whose piece receives the most votes will win the MVP Award and a $50 gift card. #starkvillearts #scrambledartbowl #oxfordarts @starkvillearts @YACoxfordarts About SAAC Now commencing its third decade, the Starkville Area Arts Council (SAAC) sponsors the Cotton District Arts Festival, runs various art education outreach initiatives, and awards more than $20,000 each year in grants and scholarships throughout Starkville and Oktibbeha County in its mission to build a strong, creative, connected community through the arts. The Starkville Area Arts Council appreciates the support of the City of Starkville, the Greater Starkville Development Partnership, Oktibbeha County, National Endowment for the Arts, Mississippi Arts Commission, Visit Mississippi, Del Rendon Foundation, 4-County Electric Foundation, Atmos Energy, SOAR, and various local businesses and individuals. Additional information can be found at About YAC The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council serves as the official Arts agency for the City of Oxford and Lafayette County promoting community through arts and cultural programs and development. Through community events, educational programs, festivals and performances the Arts Council reaches over 233,000 people each year creating an $11 million dollar economic impact for the community. Contact: John W. Bateman, Executive Director SAAC, [email protected] Wayne Andrews, Executive Director YAC, [email protected] |
March 2023